Your guided journey to becoming Pain-Free again
Have you been dealing with chronic pain symptoms for more than 6 months? Have you tried everything to alleviate your symptoms but without long-term relief? Are you on one or even several medications that have not actually helped or fixed your problem? Are you still in pain?
I hear you! And I can imagine the frustration of being sent from one appointment to the next, but not seeing any improvement. I also understand you might be a little scepticle to try out yet another thing. That said, I also KNOW that mindbody work is the only thing that will truly work for chronic pain symptoms. Why? Because it doesn’t numb the symtpoms, instead, we will get to the root cause of the pain together, and I will give you all the tools to heal from within.
Chronic pain does not have to be a life sentence. Break the pain cycle today and let’s start a new journey together.
Where to start?
Before deciding on anything, you can first book a free consult call with me, to discuss your case:
Try-out session or Full Journey?
Not everybody dives in head-first and that’s OK. If you rather start with a 1 loose session to see how it goes, let’s do that! Everybody’s recovery journey looks different and I want to make sure I offer what is right for you
Rise – Recovery Journey
If you are ready to take the leap and start this recovery journey, I would love to be part of it.
This programme will offer you all the tools you need to start on that road to recovery, and reconnect you with your true (pain-free) self.
What you will get:
- Someone who will really listen to your case and be present with you on this journey
- All the knowledge: in depth theory about Mindbody Syndrome/ TMS and how this relates to your specific case
- Tools to deal with pain flare-ups and/ or anxiety episodes
- Exercises to start breaking the pain cycle and remove fear
- A personalised plan to regain confidence in your body and pace back into activity in a safe way
- Peace of mind, because you won’t have to live in fear of the next flare-up
- A (re)discovery who you are without the pain, through various assessments
- Additional resources that relate to your specific case
- Self-confidence to continue this journey without me once you are done
- Face-to-face contact from the comfort of your own home through virtual meetings
- Email contact during and after the programme
The Rise Recovery Journey is meant to empower you, so that you can move forward with confidence and all the necessary tools. There will be 5 sessions, just you and me, followed by exercises that you can do on your own, and we can go over the next time we speak.
I like to leave at least 2 weeks between sessions, so you can really digest and process all that we have discussed, which means this programme lasts at least 2 months. You decide on the timeslots, and you will only need to book the first one, the other ones we will set in our sessions!
Are you ready to take the leap and start on your recovery journey?
Rise Recovery Journey
€ 550
My commitment as a Mindbody Syndrome Practitioner…
I work with people with various forms of chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and burn-out related symptoms. My aim is to give you all tools to become pain-free, stay pain-free, and have the confidence to be the hero of your own journey!
By becoming a client, you will have my absolute commitment to guide you on your journey to becoming pain-free again. In these 1-on-1s you will have my complete presence and attention. I will listen to your story and (medical) background and together we will create a recovery plan that is right for you
F. A.Q.
How do i know if I have MindBody Syndrome?
The questions I have included in the self-test are a really good indicator whether your chronic pain is a form of the Mindbody Syndrome. If you have scored higher than 15 points on the test, it is very likely that this applies to you. If none of the treatments you have tried so far has given you any form of relief from your pain, or you have been sent around from one doctor to the next, it is most likely that your pain is not 100% physical. If your pain levels vary from day to day, or during different moments in the day, this is a very clear sign that there is no structural cause for it. All of these are reasons to believe that your pain falls into this domain and can heal using a mind-body approach
How long will it take for me to recover?
Nobody has the same body or mind, therefore everybody’s journey will look different. There is no right answers to this. The same as it is hard to answer How long does it take to learn a new skill? It depends on so many factors from your efforts, to your mindset, your commitment, your patience, your understanding and even your compassion for yourself. Besides that, there are also the external factors such as your environment, your (past) experiences, and your support system. Every journey is unique, but I also believe that with the right mindset and guidance, anybody can get there.
Will this work for me?
If you are dealing with the Mindbody Syndrome, and you follow either my online course or the 1-on-1 sessions with me, I truly believe this WILL work for you. Yet, keep in mind that you need to meet me half way. I will be here to guide you, but cannot do the work FOR YOU. If you do decide to work with me, I guarantee that I will do anything in my power to coach you, support you, and hand you all the tools that have proven to work for other chronic pain sufferers. You are not alone, and I want to make sure you know this. But the biggest factor for your healing is you, and the changes you are willing to make.
Do you do also offer loose sessions?
For those of you who are:
- not looking for a full programme, because you are alread on the Mindbody Syndrome recovery path, and want to have a 1-on-1 to see if you are on the right track, or because you’ve hit a wall and want to break through it
- or, want to see what this is all about before starting a full journey
The answer is YES, I also offer single sessions. You can book these here:
Rebecca is an amazing coach and was really helpful, kind and understanding of fibromyalgia and helping me work through this. I felt heard, understood, empathic, kindness and hope. To feel all of these when going through a condition that western medicine still doesn’t understand means the world to me and will for other sufferers.
You’ve helped me to hold up a mirror to myself and become more aware of what is good for me. I’ve learned to be kinder to myself. Developed a better relationship with myself, letting go of control, breaking unhelpful patterns, more confidence in my body
I’m feeling a lot more positive than I have in a very long time after talking with you. And it’s been really fantastic. I’ve got more out of it than all of my doctors and rheumatologist visits. Most of it because you teach me how to help this mind heal this body. And that’s the only way that I think you can fix fibro or dial it back down to a level that you’re back to your old self.